Last modified: May 29, 2024
Wholesale order history
Your wholesale history
Navigate to your wholesale order history by clicking Catalog in the navigation bar, then Orders, which will appear directly underneath it.

Navigating to Orders to view past wholesale orders.
Filtering order history
We’ve provided a couple of different ways to filter your search to help you find specific orders.
Searching by practitioner
If multiple practitioners place wholesale orders through the dispensary, use the Order placed filter to view orders placed by a specific practitioner.

Selecting a practitioner from the staff drop-down menu.
Search by date
Select All dates to select a specific month and/or year to filter your order history results.

Click All dates to search by month and/or year.
Sorting your order history
By default, wholesale order history is sorted by most recent orders first. Click on Most recent for more sorting options.

Click on Sort: Most recent for additional filters.
Viewing a past order
We’ve provided you with some helpful tools when looking at a past order!

Viewing a past order.
Place order again
Place order again adds all products and respective quantities to your cart to repeat the order.
Don’t worry! You can still add additional products and adjust quantities within the cart before placing the order.
Tracking details
You can also click Track order to get an update on where your order is in transit.
Select Download, to download/print a PDF copy of your order invoice for your records.
Your Natural Partners order history
If you signed up for Fullscript and imported your Natural Partners data before the March 30th, 2021 deadline, you can access your Natural Partners order history from the Wholesale orders page in your dispensary. Unfortunately, if you didn’t follow these steps, your order history is gone.
To view order history imported before the deadline, use the Order placed filter and select At Natural Partners.

Navigating to Natural Partners order history from the Wholesale orders page in Fullscript.