Last modified: May 28, 2024
MAP policies
What are MAP policies?
Fullscript fully supports the resale policies and practices of our brand suppliers, many of whom have their own internet reseller policy or Minimum Advertised Price policy (MAP), and who require purchasers to agree with and adhere to the MAP policy prior to purchasing their products.
Resellers may sell brand products on their own websites; however, some of our brand suppliers do not permit resale of their products on public e-commerce platforms, such as Amazon and eBay and many restrict resale to within the United States only.
Resale of the products of these brand suppliers are subject to the applicable MAP policy and it is the Reseller’s responsibility to ensure that they are in compliance with a particular brand supplier’s MAP policy.
Accepting MAP policies
MAP policies must be agreed to by dispensary owners. Additional practitioners and staff members aren’t able to agree to policies on an owner’s behalf.
To accept MAP agreements:
- From the practitioner menu, select Wholesale policies.
- Scroll to the Minimum Advertised Price (MAP) Policies header.
- To accept unique agreements, select a brand’s Action required button. Read the agreement in full, then complete the required DocuSign fields at the bottom of the agreement. When completed, select I agree.
- Select View all Brand MAP policies to expand and review other policies that don’t require agreement via DocuSign.
- Next to the Wholesale MAP policies heading, select Action required. In the modal displayed below, check the box and select I agree.
Once completed, Action required buttons will update to Accepted.

Agreeing to Wholesale MAP policies from the Wholesale policies page.
MAP acceptance – while you shop!
You’ll also be alerted of unaccepted or revised brand agreements as products are added to your shopping cart. These agreements must be accepted by the dispensary owner before products can be purchased.